HR Consulting

Gladys OsahonBusiness Development Manager, Digital Marketing Executive at OnePyramid Consulting Limited

HR Process Automation

Our Certified Consultants are ready to help you get the best out of your HR and payroll software solution regardless of your type of business


In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations face the challenge of managing diverse tasks efficiently while also ensuring cost-effectiveness.


Every Organization’s skill needs vary, but a fact remains that every Organization wants the best hands to drive its strategic and operational goals. At OnePyramid, we are experts at Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). By outsourcing your recruitment needs to us, we can apply our technology to drive a faster Time-to-Value and make sure we are as accurate on your brief as possible.

Backgrounds Checks

OnePyramid is well-positioned to provide the following services to increase your efficiency. We offer professional Background Check Services (both local and international) to confirm the authenticity of information about candidates’; and employees’ academic qualifications, past experiences, accomplishments, and integrity.

Innovative Products and Automative Services for your Business