Backend Development
Our training sessions are meticulously planned by our trainer and are designed in a manner geared toward the maximization of efficiency. Your time is valuable, so our goal is to best prepare you while taking up the least amount of your time possible.
9-Week Backend Development Training Module (Node.js & JavaScript)
Delivery Methodology:
This course is available in virtual modes.
Course Content
Introduction to Node.js & JavaScript Fundamentals
Introduction to Node.js:
- What is Node.js? Why use Node.js for backend development?
- Install Node.js and use the Node Package Manager (NPM).
- Basic Node.js environment setup
- Overview of the Node.js Event Loop and Non-Blocking I/O.
- Introduction to core Node.js modules: `fs`, `path`, `http`, `URL`.
JavaScript Refresher:
- Variables, Data Types, Operators.
- Functions, Arrays, Objects.
- Understanding scope, closures, and `this`.
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Callbacks, Promises, and `async/await`.
- Error handling in asynchronous code.
Working with HTTP in Node.js:
- Creating an HTTP server with the `http` module.
- Routing basic requests and responses.
- Creating a basic RESTful API with Node.js.
- Build a simple “Hello World” API using Node.js.
- Implement a small app that reads and writes files asynchronously using the `fs` module.
Building RESTful APIs with Node.js
Introduction to REST:
- What is REST? Understanding REST principles (Statelessness, Resource-based URIs).
- HTTP Methods: `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`.
Building RESTful Routes:
- Setting up routes using the `http` module or Express.js.
- Understanding route parameters and query parameters.
- Handling JSON requests and responses with `express.json()`.
CRUD Operations:
- Create, Read, Update, Delete operations in a RESTful API.
- Implementing CRUD operations using Express.js.
Basic Error Handling:
- Using `try/catch` blocks.
- Creating custom error messages.
- Handling 404 and 500 errors.
- Build a RESTful API for managing a simple resource (e.g., tasks or products).
- Implement CRUD operations using Express.js, with error handling for each operation.
- Test API endpoints using Postman or curl.
Working with Databases (SQL & NoSQL)
Introduction to Databases:
- What is a database? SQL vs. NoSQL databases.
- Introduction to MySQL (SQL) and MongoDB (NoSQL).
Working with MySQL (SQL):
- Setting up MySQL database.
- Using the `mysql2` library to connect Node.js with MySQL.
- Performing basic SQL queries (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
- Setting up a simple CRUD API using MySQL.
Working with MongoDB (NoSQL):
- Introduction to MongoDB and Mongoose (ODM for MongoDB).
- Setting up a MongoDB database.
- Performing CRUD operations with Mongoose.
- Introduction to schema design in MongoDB.
- Introduction to Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) and Object-Document Mapping (ODM).
- Setting up Sequelize (SQL ORM) for Node.js.
- Using Mongoose for MongoDB operations.
- Build an application with both SQL and NoSQL database connections.
- Implement CRUD operations for the same data in both MySQL and MongoDB.
- Compare the different approaches for structuring data in SQL and NoSQL.
Authentication & Authorization
Introduction to Authentication & Authorization:
- Difference between Authentication and Authorization.
- Why use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication?
User Authentication:
- Implementing user sign-up and login with Express.js.
- Introduction to Passport.js for handling authentication.
- Storing user passwords securely with bcrypt.
JWT Authentication:
- How to generate JWT tokens for user sessions.
- Protecting routes with JWT and middleware.
- Token expiration and refresh tokens.
Role-based Access Control (RBAC):
- Implementing role-based access control in a Node.js application.
- Protecting routes based on user roles (admin, user, etc.).
- Create a login and registration system using JWT.
- Implement middleware for role-based authentication (e.g., only admins can access certain routes).
- Secure your API with token-based authentication.
Middleware & Error Handling
Understanding Middleware:
- What is middleware? How does it work in Express.js?
- Built-in middleware in Express.js (`express.json()`, `express.urlencoded()`).
- Creating custom middleware for logging, validation, etc.
Advanced Error Handling:
- Handling asynchronous errors in Express.
- Custom error handling middleware.
- Sending appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages.
Request Validation:
- Using libraries like `Joi` or `express-validator` for input validation.
- Handling bad requests and sending meaningful error responses.
Logging Requests:
- Logging requests with `morgan` or `winston`.
- Understanding request life cycle.
- Implement custom middleware for logging and authentication.
- Create custom error-handling middleware.
- Validate request bodies with `express-validator`.
Deployment, Testing, and Best Practices
Testing Node.js Applications:
- Unit testing with Mocha and Chai.
- Writing integration tests for REST APIs
- Setting up a production environment with Docker.
- Deploying a Node.js app on Heroku or AWS EC2.
- Environment variables and configuration management.
- Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines with GitHub Actions.
Performance Optimization:
- Caching with Redis for performance improvement.
- Load balancing and scaling applications.
- Optimizing database queries.
Best Practices:
- Code structure and project organization.
- Using environment variables for configuration.
- Keeping sensitive data safe (e.g., database credentials, API keys).
- Write unit and integration tests for your app.
- Dockerize your application and deploy it to Heroku.
- Optimize and deploy your app using CI/CD.
Understanding Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- Enabling CORS for Secure Web Applications
- CORS Configuration and Best Practices
- Securing Web Traffic with HTTPS
- Implementing HTTPS: Certificates, Encryption, and Redirects
- HTTPS Best Practices and Troubleshooting
- SQL Injection
- Preventing SQL Injection
- Best practices
Build a Full-Stack Web Application
Project Requirements:
– A RESTful API built with Node.js and Express.js.
– User authentication using JWT.
– Store data in a SQL or NoSQL database.
– Implement CRUD operations for a specific resource (e.g., users, posts, comments).
– Secure routes and manage different user roles.
– Add error handling and validation.
– Dockerize and deploy the application on a cloud platform (Heroku, AWS).
Key Deliverables:
– A fully working backend with RESTful API.
– Authentication system (JWT).
– Deployment to cloud (e.g., Heroku or AWS).
– Complete source code repository (GitHub).
Conclusion & Certification
At the end of this 9-week training, you’ll have gained hands-on experience in backend development with Node.js, from building APIs to deploying them in production. This module prepares you for creating real-world backend applications using best practices.
Online Class
For Individual
Date: The course will be commence on the 2nd of Febuary 2025..